
My blogs do not meet all the rubric criteria. The biggest one is grammar and mechanics. Where I’m from, we speak dialect or ‘broken’ English; basically, there’s no subject-verb agreement or complete sentences. I feel that sometimes it may be portrayed in my writing.

I am still trying to figure out how should I write my blogs. I know grammar is important but is it as important as writing a traditional essay. Blogging is easier going and not too uptight, but I think too much into it which may lead to me not doing the assignment.  

Honestly, I am not making the best efforts with my blogs. I tend to give up when I see all the tabs of information needed to be read to create said blogs.

Ha-ha. This is the one. I am the Queen of Procrastination and I am definitely not proud of that. I honestly feel that the weekends are my only time to somewhat ‘recharge’ so thinking of homework gives me a headache. I pay for it in sleep on Monday nights trying to get these blogs together.

I do revise my blogs for grammatical and mechanical errors but sometimes even then it still sounds correct. Other times I ponder on a specific sentence for minutes because it sounds right and wrong at the same time. This is the stressful part.

Speaking in front of people terrifies me so does someone reading my stuff. First is I feel my level of writing is not where it should be for a Biology major. Second is I tend to take critiques for criticism and end up being upset not wanting to partake in the work anymore.

Similarities and difference between blogs and essays.

I knew absolutely nothing about blogs. I did not know there are millions of blogs being posted a day, even before lunch. I’ve been reading blogs not knowing that’s what they were. The last one I read was about earning extra income as a stay-at-home mom. It is rough out here.


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