
My blogs do not meet all the rubric criteria. The biggest one is grammar and mechanics. Where I’m from, we speak dialect or ‘broken’ English; basically, there’s no subject-verb agreement or complete sentences. I feel that sometimes it may be portrayed in my writing. I am still trying to figure out how should I write my blogs. I know grammar is important but is it as important as writing a traditional essay. Blogging is easier going and not too uptight, but I think too much into it which may lead to me not doing the assignment. Honestly, I am not making the best efforts with my blogs. I tend to give up when I see all the tabs of information needed to be read to create said blogs. Ha-ha. This is the one. I am the Queen of Procrastination and I am definitely not proud of that. I honestly feel that the weekends are my only time to somewhat ‘recharge’ so thinking of homework gives me a headache. I pay for it in sleep on Monday nights trying to get these blogs together. I do revis...